We Moved to Alaska! Alaska Life, Lately Vol. 1
Well it has been a wild couple of weeks, that’s for sure. Life, lately has been a lot of moving parts, literally. I have missed chatting with you guys SO much that I figured there wouldn’t be a better way to get back into blogging than by sharing a life update with you. Spoiler Alert: We moved to Alaska. You haven’t heard from me yet because it took us forever to get internet. Here’s what else we’ve been up to!
We Moved to Alaska
In case you somehow completely missed it, my little family and I just packed up our entire house with the help of the Army and moved 4,000 miles across the country to live in Alaska! Moving will forever be one of the most stressful things I’ve ever had to deal with (and I’ve done it a lot) but we are finally starting to settle down and make this place feel like home. The trip here was way easier than I thought it would be. We decided the best thing to do was fly since we had the baby and all of the animals. I’m happy to report that all of them did great and I did a whole lot of worrying for nothing. Don’t get me wrong, it was an absolutely exhausting trip, but I don’t think I would have preferred driving for at least two weeks over one day of travel.
The (new) Chamblee House
If you caught my last post (which was nearly a month ago, yikes) then you know how sad I was to leave our house at Fort Benning. With a new military post comes a new house and I’m happy to report that we ended up with a great house. It’s about twice the size of our last house even though it’s the same number of bedrooms. I’ll be honest though, I cried when I first saw it. These houses definitely don’t have the same curb appeal and charm that our Benning home did. After being in the house for almost a month though without absolutely any furniture, I am starting to see its potential. I’ll be sharing a lot of home decor stuff on the blog but for all of the updates on the house make sure to follow @thechambleehouse on Instagram!
Jasper’s 2 Month Update
Yep, you read that correctly. Jasper is already 2 months old! I never realized how much life happens in a month or even two months until I had a child. It has been so fun to watch him grow and watch his personality start to develop. So far he has started smiling a lot and making tons of noises. He basically talks to us which I think is the most adorable thing ever. Our house doesn’t have air conditioning and he really enjoys laying around and watching the ceiling fans. We are still working on laughing but I think we’re starting to get there! He had his two month appointment this week and is 23.3 inches long and weighs 11 lbs. I think the vaccines were rougher for me than they were for him. He has officially outgrown swaddling and is almost too long for his bassinet. Hopefully our household goods get here before he really outgrows it! Right now we have him sleeping in our master bedroom closet because it’s the darkest place in the house at night (thanks land of the midnight sun) but we plan on transitioning him to his crib as soon as our stuff gets here and the nursery is done.
My Future Office
When I first started this blog almost two years ago now, I didn’t expect myself to keep up with it. I had tried blogging in the past and was never really consistent. Even though I have taken a few months off here and there, I am so happy with the progress that I’m making with this space. I first want to thank every single one of you who supports Made in Mom Jeans by liking, sharing, commenting, even just reading my posts. Interacting with you guys and writing the content you want to see really is what my passion is. In 2019 I really wanted to focus on turning this into a legitimate source of income and while I still have a ways to go to reach my goals, I am happy with the progress I’m making. We decided to turn our spare bedroom into an office for me to use exclusively as an office and I am so thrilled about it. It may not look like much to you guys but to me this empty space really signifies the progress I’m making and the potential of Made in Mom Jeans. I’m sure it will be the last room in the house to get decorated but jut the thought of having a space that is MINE that is for this blog gets me emotional. With all that being said, I am going to start posting more frequently on the blog. Stay tuned for an updated schedule!
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