Fort Wainwright: Military Housing Living Room Before and After
I am the type of person that needs everything to be finished immediately, especially before I share it. But when you have a baby, just moved 4,000 miles across the country and are on a #budget, getting an entire house together takes more than a weekend. If I had an unlimited budget and time to unpack all of these boxes the house would be completely finished already. But that’s not real life and we’re all about sharing the realness here on Made in Mom Jeans so I wanted to go ahead and share the progress we’ve made in the living room!
They say the kitchen is the heart of the home but honestly in The Chamblee House, it’s definitely the living room. We spend almost all of our time in the living room. The living room houses our only TV and is the place where Jasper does all of his playing so I knew we wanted to make it an even cozier and more inviting place than we had at Fort Benning. There is definitely a few more things we need to add (mostly getting stuff on the walls in this room) and I want to eventually get covers for all of the throw pillows but I am honestly so thrilled with how it’s turned out.
Aside from the curtains, because we needed curtains for every room in the house since we couldn’t put them up at Fort Benning, the only items that are new in the living room are the two chairs and the rug. When we hosted Thanksgiving last year at our house in Fort Benning we realized that we desperately needed more living room seating. The living area in our new house is so much more open than what we had in our historic housing at Fort Benning so I wanted something that would provide additional seating (without having to drag chairs from the dining room) and also frame the space to make the living room look more intentional. I fell in love with these Costco chairs after scouring the internet looking for a good deal. The price of the chairs was unbeatable and they even came with the pillows! We found the rug on a random trip to Lowe’s and I fell in love with it. My husband took some convincing but by the end of the weekend I had worn him down. I love how it looks in our home and it’s soft enough for Jasper to play on. Plus it hides spit up pretty well. Our original coffee table was an Amazon find and it was sadly one of the items damaged in our move. While it was still usable, I couldn’t stop staring at the giant bend in the bottom shelf and I knew the whole table would become a hazard as Jasper became more mobile. I also wanted something that took up less space and wouldn’t become a dumping ground for clutter. Plus, we had a bad habit of eating in the living room and that’s something I want to actively start to change. So we opted for these nesting tables, also an Amazon find, and I couldn’t be happier with them. I love that the smaller of the two is light enough to be portable around the living room, regardless of where you’re sitting. And the size of each table is perfect for being usable while small enough to avoid clutter.
Eventually I would like to add a photo ledge or a shelve above the TV to frame it a little more and get some family photos on the walls. I also am looking to add a leather floor poof to add some texture and take up a little more of the floor space. Anyways, I hope you enjoy our military housing living room before and after! Make sure to follow The Chamblee House on Instagram and turn on post notifications there for more housing updates!
