Jasper's Nursery: Eclectic Boho Baby Boy Nursery
I can’t believe I’m finally, after six months, sharing Jasper’s nursery with you guys! When I first started planning for our baby boy nursery, I had absolutely zero idea what I wanted. I ended up just doing what I do with the rest of the house, handpicking things we truly love, and we ended up with what I’m calling an eclectic boho baby boy nursery. We definitely could have finished this room up sooner by choosing a more traditional nursery style but if you've seen any of my home decor posts, you know that just isn't us.
I picked up a few things when we first found out Jasper was going to be Jasper like the wooden J and the picture frame on his bookshelf. Both of those items came from TJ Maxx and I couldn't have had any idea of how perfect they would be in his eclectic boho nursery.
BTW, you can shop everything in Jasper's eclectic boho nursery at the end of this post. I've also done a nursery tour video on YouTube where I talk a little bit more about specific pieces throughout his nursery! This post contains affiliate links.

Decorating a Nursery Through a PCS
One of the reasons we held off on deciding on a nursery color pallette and nursery theme was because of our cross-country move less than a month after Jasper was born. If you're new, my husband is in the Army and we just moved from Fort Benning, Georgia to Fort Wainwright, Alaska in May of 2019. I had no idea what our house would look like so we really had to hold off on buying anything for the nursery.
We had a few things that we thought we would end up using, like the crib from when I was a baby, but after getting into the house and seeing the space we had to work with, we decided to completely start from scratch with our baby boy nursery.
Baby boy nursery color pallette
I am a neutral loving gal so I knew I didn't want the look of a traditional baby boy nursery color scheme with the light blues and gray tones. I much more prefer warm tones to gray and I also wanted this nursery to be something that could grow with Jasper during our time in this house. I can already see it transforming into the perfect little boy's room!
Since I love neutrals, I wanted to include wood tones to brighten up this space and to incorporate some of the wooden elements we had brought with us like the J, the wooden train my father made for him, and the fox figure we received at his nursery.
I fell in love with these Cloud Island Fox sheets from Target when I was pregnant with him so those and the few wooden pieces were the inspiration for his eclectic boho nursery color palette.
Then, one of the first weeks here in Alaska, I found the true eclectic boho nursery inspiration I was looking for:
There was something about this wall decor that just spoke to me. Maybe it was because of my postpartum hormones making me miss West Virginia or something but I thought this was the perfect wall decor for a nursery, especially for boys! I loved the way it included the orange from the fox sheets I was planning on using (without having any idea how to use orange in a color palette). I scooped it up to use as inspiration for the baby boy nursery. Once I had this piece, everything else really started coming together slowly but surely! When I scored this Pier One rug for a super discount, I knew I finally was on to something with the nursery decor.
Adding thrifted touches to our baby boy nursery really gave it more of that eclectic boho feel I was hoping for. I also love how many personal touches this eclectic boho nursery has. The letters that spell out his name were made for his baby shower, the West Point pennant represents my husband and the Let’s Go pennant above his closet represents me. There are tons of photos of my husband and I throughout the nursery which adds such a personal touch that I love, included a photo of the house we brought him home in. There are gifts from friends and family that I’ve collected over the years and so much more. I truly love Jasper’s eclectic boho nursery and hope you do too!

Shop Jasper’s Eclectic Boho Nursery:
Glider and Ottoman (comes in multiple colors and under $150!)
Crib (multiple color options, including metallics)
Wall Art is from Fred Meyer but here’s a similar design
Industrial Shelf (under $20!!)
Accordion Rack (not pictured) includes 2 for $35
Folding Bookcase (ours is really old, like I’ve had it for a decade old but this one is similar and comes in lots of color options)
Floating Picture Frames (the maps are vintage that I picked up in New York City)