5 Things I Didn't Expect about Pregnancy
Being a first time mom comes with A TON of uncharted territory so I thought it would be fun to write down a few things I didn’t expect about pregnancy and share them here! There is so much information out there about pregnancy and what to expect when you get pregnant but honestly, a lot of that information didn’t help me to prepare for what actually happens when you’re pregnant. Here are 5 things I wasn’t expect about pregnancy + a really pretty sweater from PinkBlush Maternity!
I’m so happy to be working with PinkBlush Maternity on this post. They were kind enough to send me the amazing sweater you see here and y’all, I’m obsessed. I can’t wait to share more of their clothes (because I know I’ll be making more than a few orders) throughout the rest of my pregnancy and transition into motherhood. As always, my thoughts and opinions are 100% real and honest!
1. How exhausted you are all the time
I had no idea that pregnancy made you so tired you could barely function. All I ever hear anyone talk about is the morning sickness (which I thankfully didn't have) but no one prepared me for the fact that I wouldn't be able to function properly after 1 pm during the first trimester. Even now into the second trimester, my energy levels are noticeably different than prepregnancy.
2. How hard keeping your pregnancy a secret is
To be honest, I think the whole keeping your pregnancy a secret thing is completely for the birds which is why we didn't wait until the end of the first trimester to share our pregnancy announcement. But that doesn't mean keeping your pregnancy a secret isn't hard. I would say it's actually one of the most difficult things I've ever done. We told a handful of people as well as our parents before announcing publicly but those first few weeks are super lonely. I literally fell off the face of social media because of the combo of fatigue and not wanting to blurt out the secret.
3. How difficult pregnancy can make friendships
Since you're keeping a secret, and even after the announcement, pregnancy definitely takes a toll on your friendships. It's hard to get up the energy to go out and do things, all you want to do is talk about your pregnancy, and if your friends aren't in the same season of life as you are it can be hard for you to connect with them the way you once did. This was one thing I absolutely wasn't expecting. It's so hard to maintain friendships when you're going through such a major life change as having a child. All of your priorities change in an instant and that can be hard for even your friends to understand.
4. How quickly you start to grow
I felt huge like almost from the minute we found out. Sure, at first it's mostly bloating, but you really don't realize how quickly that bump is going to grow until you start reading apps that mention "doubling in size" with every week. It's honestly wild! And the rate of growth can mean outgrowing your wardrobe super quickly. I wasn't the skinniest girl in the world before getting pregnant so once I started growing, I really outgrew things quickly. At 15 weeks, I'm not completely abandoning anything I wore pre-pregnancy.
5. How hard it is to find good maternity clothing
Speaking of growing out of your clothing, why doesn't anyone talk about how seriously difficult it is to find good maternity clothing? Defining your pregnancy style can be super hard when you're unable to suddenly wear all of your favorite styles and silhouettes once your bump starts to grow. That's why I'm so happy I found PinkBlush Maternity! I actually found PinkBlush Maternity through Instagram and I was so excited when they reached out to me about working together. They sent me this adorable sweater and I love how comfortable it is! The quality is also great and it hugs me in all the right places without being too formfitting like those stinking maternity t-shirts that I hate. I love that you can dress this sweater up easily for all of those upcoming holiday parties but it's also super easy to dress down like I have here with some ultra comfy PJ shorts! This sweater is also one of those "not too hot, not too cold" types as I like to call them which means one thing in my book: comfortable. As an added bonus, this sweater is also NURSING FRIENDLY which means I will be wearing it for many, many occasions through pregnancy and beyond.
If you’re a mom: what was one thing you didn’t expect about pregnancy?
If you’re not: what’s something on this list that surprised you?
Let’s Connect!
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