Currently In My Shopping Cart
This post includes affiliate links. I may make a small commission off of purchase made through links shared on Made in Mom Jeans. As always, I strive to only share the best products with MIMJ Readers. All proceeds made through affiliate links go directly to the blog. Thank you for your support!
Things have been a little wild around here since Jasper made his appearance last week but I that hasn’t stopped me from adding tons of things to my shopping cart lately. I figured I would round up what I’ve purchased recently and what I’ve got my eyes on and share that with y’all today! Now that I’m no longer pregnant (!!!) I’m dying to get back into normal jeans and my normal style. I’ve been trying to find the perfect relaxed jean for mom life. I’ve also added two new TULA products to my skincare routine!
What’s currently in your shopping cart?
What’s in my Shopping Cart