PCS Diary: West Point, New York to Fort Benning, Georgia
Guys, it has been one heck of a week and it's only Wednesday! Justin and I are settling into married life pretty well and ICYMI: we made our first move! Last weekend we moved from New York to Georgia of all places and Y'all... it is HOT. Man, people weren't kidding when they said it was hot and humid down here. Anyways, my girl Tomi over at GOODTOMICHA just recently moved to San Francisco and has these adorable blog posts all about her time there and I thought it would be cute to do something similar to document all over our moves. Because when you're a military family, there sure are a lot of them!
I'm not sure how many of these I'll do, maybe they'll be once a week or once a month depending on how much you guys like them. And how much I actually get into but more about that later! Also, make sure to check out our very first moving vlog to actually see the action of our move from West Point to Fort Benning!
TOP | striped short sleeve ruffle t-shirt | JEANS | crop mom jeans (currently sold out)
SHOES | cognac leather sandals | BACKPACK | corbin backpack (c/o) |
Leaving New York
I didn't' anticipate being sad to leave New York but when the U-Haul was finally loaded and I was walking around our empty apartment, it was hard not to get a little sad. I moved into that apartment just a month after Justin and I had gotten engaged and there are so many memories we made in that little one bedroom place. Not only that but leaving West Point in general, even though we're happy that chapter of our lives is over, was a little sad because of the friends and memories we made there. There are a lot of things I liked about New York and a lot of things I didn't but at the end of the day, there was so much that happened there that it makes sense we would be a little sad to leave.
Getting dog mom shamed somewhere in Pennsylvania
If you happened to see my Insta stories complaining about this, I'm still not over it. Some woman actually had the audacity to follow me out of the Sheetz and to my car to harass me about leaving my dogs in the car. I take the safety and well-being of my dogs VERY seriously, especially on long road trips so I was extremely offended at the idea that someone would even think I wasn't taking the best care of them. It was around 70 degrees at that time, the air had just been on full blast so the car was fairly cool still from turning it off and I had been gone for maybe 5 minutes max to use the restroom and pick out some snacks. The irony was I had handed Justin my snack picks specifically so that I could go back to the car and turn it back on for Gatsby and Hemingway.
Rookie U-Haul packing mistakes...
There should be a class on how to properly pack a U-Haul so that all of your stuff doesn't fall over in transit, leaving your poor husband trying to open the U-Haul without everything falling out. Luckily our only casualties seem to be a coffee mug and the Corningware set. Could be worse.
Getting hit on by a random gas station worker
As if the dog mom shaming wasn't enough, the next day I got hit on at a gas station by an employee. Justin had run in to use the bathroom and I had gotten out of the car (left running so the dogs had AC) to get them some water when a gas station employee approached me. I didn't think much about it because he didn't come out of his way to talk to me but the exchange quickly made me uncomfortable. He went from saying "Hello" to "Wow you are so pretty where are you from do you want to be friends and hang out" basically just quick, almost as if he didn't want me to hear it. We started conversing and I mentioned my husband at least three times and that still didn't stop him from hitting on me.
It's hot in Georgia
I'm sweating my booty off down here, Y'all. Seriously though, the first time we got out of the car once we got here I felt like I was going to suffocate because of how thick the air was. I'm definitely going to need to stock up on more shorts, dresses, and tank tops because the less clothing down here, the better! I'm hoping we all get used to it pretty quickly.
Pimento cheese on every menu
You might not know this about me but I LOVE pimento cheese. So far we've been to two local restaurants and both of them have had at least one Pimento Cheese related item on the menu. Bless up!
Fort Benning first impressions
When we first came onto post I literally was in shock. I knew that normal military installations were way bigger than West Point but it's such a stark contrast that I'm still not over it. There is SO MUCH going on here. We've only explored a little bit aside from finding the PX, Commissary, and dog park but I'm excited to see more of the place and get involved in the community.
I think I'm going to leave this PCS Diary entry here for the day but there is already so much more I'm dying to share with Y'all like a tour of our house! You can follow our house on Instagram @thechambleehouse to see behind-the-scenes looks if you don't want to wait for a full post on the house. I also swear that wedding posts are coming as soon as we have pictures back! We've been married for three weeks now and it still doesn't feel real to me.
Until next time, Y'all
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