34 Weeks Pregnant | 12 Things 4. 6. 2021
I’ve been trying to strike a good balance with working while Justin is available so I can get ahead of the game for when Baby M makes her arrival (I’ll be taking time off but I don’t want there to not be any content for weeks on end). But I also don’t want to completely take away from our family time whenever we get three and four-day weekends since they’re so rare. So I worked most of the day this past Saturday (while we got hit with a major snowstorm) and took yesterday off. So 12 Things this week is coming atchya a little late in the week but we’re still here and that’s all that matters, right? I’ve been loving kicking off my work week with these posts and I hope you’re enjoying them as well!
Here’s 12 Things for April 6, 2021.
I have been obsessed with researching capsule wardrobes lately. If you’ve caught any updates from Instagram or the Off the Cuff newsletter then you already know I am revamping my entire wardrobe over this next year. Currently taking inspiration from Emily Lightly’s Spring Capsule wardrobe and this Parisian-inspired one from Jess Keys.
My Lucy Moon 168 Hours inspired weekly vlog went live this past Friday and you guys seem to be loving it so far! It’s definitely hard to remember to vlog every day when you’re doing a full week in your life so I don’t see myself doing these more than once a month but I loved how it turned out! PS: If you haven’t already subscribed to my YouTube channel I would love to have you be part of the community over there!
Remember my love for Chatbooks? I am so excited to announce that I have officially joined their affiliate team! I cannot wait to share the new Chatbooks goodies I ordered with you guys but until then, you can use my code: CBTEAM20 for 20% off any product (excluding Monthbooks, monthly minis, and gift cards).
This Target dress made its way to me at the end of last week and it feels like the grown-up version of the t-shirt dresses I was obsessed with when I was pregnant with Jasper. I think this is going to be a great postpartum option for me as well. I grabbed a size medium though I probably could have sized down to a small for a better fit after pregnancy so keep that in mind. The dress is $20 and often can be found on sale too! I grabbed the burgundy color and I love how versatile this dress is for various seasons.
Remember those curtains for the nursery I talked about in last week’s edition of 12 Things? I am so happy to report that they are, in fact, the perfect amount of blackout for the nursery! I was so sure that I wouldn’t like either option I purchased but I’m actually having a hard time deciding between the two. However, I think these with the ruffle detail are just too cute to pass up. I’m actually going to order a set for Jasper’s room since I like them so much. The nursery tour will be coming to the blog and YouTube really soon!
I’m 34 weeks pregnant as of yesterday which means baby is the size of a pineapple and I am feeling every bit of it. I’m stuck in this position of feeling like time is moving super fast and simultaneously so slow. I’m so close to the end of this pregnancy that I can almost taste the beer!
Jasper turns two on Sunday! I literally cannot believe that two years have gone by already since he was born. It’s been so wild watching him grow and change over the last two years, especially since one of them was spent in isolation due to the pandemic. I am so excited to see how his birthday party comes together and can’t wait to share all of the details!
Those of you who recommended the Dagne Dover Indi Diaper bag to me are to blame for this next one. I’m officially obsessed with the brand and their spring/summer line for 2021 is giving me all of the heart eye emojis. I ordered the large Hunter Toiletry Bag and the large Landon Carryall bag both in Pinto. I was in desperate need of a good duffle bag and plan on using both of these for the hospital when baby M is born! I can’t wait to see how the color looks in person. There’s also a really pretty blue color for the spring/summer line. I’m also kind of obsessed with this bag but I don’t need it right now and it’s sold out. If you’re a military spouse be sure to check out their military discount! It’s a good one and super easy to sign up for!
I found The Mama Notes through Pinterest recently and have been seriously loving her content for getting entertaining and educational activity ideas for Jasper. He is definitely starting to get into the crafting phase a little more but also just needs to be constantly stimulated as winter drags on here in Alaska. I love this blog post she did on creating morning activity boxes for her kids. I think this will be such a great idea for Jasper once the new baby is here!
Okay, this one is kind of random but it’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot recently while planning Jasper’s birthday party. If you’re a bride-to-be and even think you’re going to be hosting events or having kids… register for a dang cake stand! I am literally kicking myself for this one because I have been having the hardest trouble finding one it town that I like (Fairbanks problems) and the ones online that I do like won’t get here in time. So if you’re engaged and reading this, find a cake stand you love and put that bad boy on your wedding registry. You’ll thank me later.
Back to toddler activities: Jasper has been really into letters and numbers and colors lately and I love this pin that has a bunch of different ideas for letter matching activities! I plan on trying out the cotton ball one really soon.
Did you know that April is officially the month of the military child? We’re planning a few things towards the end of the month to celebrate Jasper (once we get through the Easter and birthday crash) and I have a blog post coming this week with 5 simple ideas to celebrate the military kids in your life so stay tuned! If you’re celebrating month of the military child, let me know how in the comments!
Chat soon,
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