The Important Life Lesson Two Years of Blogging has Taught Me
Two years ago I decided I was going to take another stab at blogging. I was in a season of life where I was being compelled to share my story and life lessons after constant google searches coming up empty. This blog has gone through a final year at West Point, a wedding, our first DIY Army move, a pregnancy, a year of marriage, the birth of a child, and our first PCS. That’s a lot of life that’s happened in two years and I’m so thankful that I’ve been able to share it all on this platform. Just like I have changed over the past two years, so has the blog. It’s gone through three different name changes before finding one that finally felt completely right. There have been the highest of highs with crossing goals off of my list that I never thought would be possible and some pretty low lows where I honestly felt like giving up.
The thing about blogging is that when you’re a blogger, there’s a lot of content out there to compare yourself to. There are bloggers out there who are 10 thousand times more successful than me. I’m shy about celebrating “big” victories because I so often feel like a small fish in a big, big pond. I am constantly doubting myself, questioning whether I should be doing some of the things the other people are doing, and beating myself up for not doing things sooner or following ideas I had when I first got them.
But as I began to reflect on the past two years I’ve spent sharing my life with you, I realized that blogging has actually taught me a pretty important life lesson that I want to share with you all today. How do you measure two years? The truth is, my answer and your answer are going to be completely different and that is the lesson that blogging has taught me over the past two years.
Nobody’s path is ever going to look the same.
Y’all, I feel like this statement isn’t even the most profound thing in the world but it honestly hit me like a ton of bricks the other day. I mean, you could take two people who are exactly the same and want the same things in life and even their path to those goals won’t look the same. If you don't know me well or just haven’t read everything I’ve posted in the last two years then you might not know that this isn’t my first “go” in the blogging world. I had a pretty successful blog a few years ago and I kind of just stopped posting one day. I found it so hard to get back into it and eventually closed it down. It’s hard for me when I see some of the friends I made in that season of life who are super successful now with the blogs they didn’t stop writing when I did. But I’ve come to realize that their path isn’t my path and that’s okay. God knew I wasn’t ready to be as vulnerable as this community needs me to be.
If you’re struggling right now with that “what if’s” and trying to follow a path that wasn’t made for you, I hope these words make an impression on your heart today. I won’t tell you that everything will work out perfectly in the end because we all know that there are hard days in life but I will tell you that everything that’s meant for you will find it’s way to you. Just trust in yourself and if you’re into that sort of thing, trust in God because he already knows what your path looks like.
I can’t say what today would look like if I hadn’t “failed” at blogging so many years ago but I can say that I’m glad that my path looks this way. I may not have the biggest numbers but I’ve got the best damn community out there, hands down, and that’s what keeps me writing. I feel like I have so much to say and there is so much more that I want to share. I’ve prayed and prayed over the last year for God to put on my heart what he wants my legacy to be. I’ve trusted Him when I haven’t felt like writing and seen the signs that he wants me to keep going. Whether you’re religious or not, I know we can all agree that sometimes the universe puts signs in our paths that are hard to ignore.
In the next year, I hope to keep pouring my heart into growing this community and I’m excited to watch what Made in Mom Jeans will evolve into next. A lot of people will continue to say that blogging is dead but I’m out here to prove that it’s not. I hope to take everything I’ve learned in the past two years of blogging and continue to use those experiences to share and grow alongside all of you who take the time to read these posts. Even if you don’t read every single one, even if you only stop by once a week or once a month, I hope you know how valued you are in this space.
I don’t know what else to say to mark today’s two year blogiversary other than, thank you. Made in Mom Jeans has brought me so much joy over the past two years and I’m excited to see what is to come in year three.
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