Master Bedroom Update
I am so excited to reveal the work that has gone into our master bedroom update over the last few months. I shared some photos on Instagram ahead of this because I just couldn’t wait to share so make sure you’re following me for real-time updates! While the master bedroom update hasn’t been totally completed thanks to coronavirus, I’m happy to report that our bedroom has been feeling super cozy and has been my retreat in the evenings (and honestly when Jasper decides to nap) while I’m still solo parenting through a global pandemic and a deployment.
If you’re new here, you can see a completely empty house tour of our Fort Wainwright base housing on my Instagram. You can also see what our master bedroom originally looked like in my post Fort Wainwright Military Housing Master Bedroom Reveal. While there wasn’t anything wrong with the way our bedroom originally was, as I mentioned in my Master Bedroom Inspiration post, I knew I would need something to keep me occupied for this deployment and I found our master bedroom to be the place in the house where I spent the least amount of time which isn’t ideal.
I had a few mishaps in the beginning, the biggest being that the $200 duvet cover I fell in love with was just not worth the quality I received. I sadly returned it and have instead stuck with the original bedding that we’ve had since getting married. I’m still searching for something I like as much as the duvet cover but for now, working with what we have is fine and I like that it pulls the green out of the photos we have around the room. Speaking of photos, I think one of the biggest impacts on the room was changing out the frames that were once above our headboard. These frames also helped to pull in more of that warm-toned wood that I was going for and really helps to add an air of coziness to the room.
One of the easiest ways to change up your space is by rearranging furniture. After a few different setups, I finally found one I liked and it helps to make the room feel a little more closed off since the bed isn’t facing the longest wall in the room. Another super simple way to change up your space is by switching out your pillowcases. I knew we wouldn’t be able to handle the velvet quilt in the summer months here in Alaska with no air conditioning so I opted for just the pillowcases. They are so soft and bring in both the rich colors and textures I was looking for. Hopefully, as shops begin to open up more I’ll be able to return to thrifting and add some more special pieces to this room but overall I am happy with the progress so far!
Let me know what you think in the comments and scroll down for all of the links I can round up!