Fort Wainwright: Military Housing Master Bedroom Reveal
Well, I forgot to take a “before” photo of our bedroom which is why this title is different from the Military Housing Living Room Before and After post I did a few weeks ago… oops. I’m actually quite bummed about forgetting to get a before photo because this bedroom went from a big, awkward space that I had no inspiration for to what I would like to call our master bedroom sanctuary. I never really bought into the idea of a bedroom being inspiring or a place I actually wanted to be. In fact, there isn’t much in our bedroom that is actually new. With the exception of a few added touches, mostly pictures, and a rug, the majority of our master bedroom has been repurposed from our home at Fort Benning.
There are so many touches in our Master bedroom that bring me so much joy. I love having my grandmother’s quilts displayed and I know they’ll add a cozy touch when the weather cools off here in Alaska. I also love the photo timeline of us above our headboard. I chose cheaper frames from Walmart which I may upgrade at a later point but I love how minimal they are and that the focus is on the photos. I get all of our photos done through Walgreens because I’m impatient (hello same day pickup!) and I’ve never been disappointed with the quality. I have been really intentional about printing our photos lately so I love that we have this progressing timeline of our family to center our room around.
Something else I’ve been really intentional about when decorating our military housing at Fort Wainwright is using items that we already have and not buying a bunch of stuff just because we’re in a bigger house. Inevitably, we’ll end up with a smaller house at some point down the road and I really am in a season of learning how to live more and buy less. All of the items on our bookshelf are old and I love that you can really see our different loves through this. I love all of the sentimental touches of the bookshelf too, from my wedding bouquet to our wands from our trip to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter last December when I was pregnant with Jasper. I might put these in the nursery when we’re finished with it but for now they have a home in our room along with all of the illustrated versions of the Harry Potter books. It bugs me that I didn’t realize they were out of order before taking photos… and Chamber of Secrets is currently in the nursery since that’s what book we’re on. I can’t wait to add Goblet of Fire (my favorite Harry Potter book) to our collection when it comes out in a few months.
It’s also amazing to me what curtains and a rug can do for a room. We’ve put both of these things in almost every room in the house and it just instantly pulls a room together. The bed needs some work and I obviously need to do a better job of sweeping, but dog hair is basically part of our aesthetic at this point. I also need to figure out what to do with the cubes where my sweaters are. The tops look a little bare and so does the wall above it so that will be a project I work on at a later date. For now, I’m in love with where our master bedroom is at and I think it’s safe to say that this base house in Alaska is starting to feel like home.

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