AM Coffee Talk #29 - We Finally Got a Couch after 2 Months!
Good morning everyone! Why do I always feel like these intros are the cheesiest things ever? I never know how to start this off. Anyways, if you're new here, Saturday Morning Coffee is when we all get together and chat about our weeks. Well, I guess I type it out over a cup of coffee and hope someone is reading it. Anyways, the goal of Saturday Morning Coffee is to make you feel like you're chatting away with a girlfriend! Bonus? If you're a blogger, Saturday Morning Coffee is also a link up! That means you can drop a link at the end of this post to your favorite blog post from the week so the rest of us can check it out! The link-up is a fun way to share what's been going on in your week!
This week was packed full of things, honestly. Monday we started off the week with a vet appointment. It was our first time going to the on-post vet here in Georgia and I had heard some serious horror stories, Y'all, so believe me when I say the anxiety was real. Taking two dogs to the vet at the same time promises to always be interesting and probably expensive. Luckily this trip to the vet only cost us about half of what the last one did so thank goodness for that! Hemingway showed his beagle side the entire time we were there while Gatsby was mad he couldn't sit on the chairs. Everyone is happy and healthy and we finally got some more medicine for Hemingway's allergies.
I've also been soaking up the kitten snuggles this week. Scout is the most precious thing and she loves me so much. Like she follows me around and it is actually the cutest thing ever. Also, this is an accurate depiction of what I look like when I'm in the house. Patagonia jacket and a blanket. Necessary when you're air conditioner runs all day. Is anyone else constantly freezing?
By Wednesday, a week after bringing Scout home, she's adjusting to life with her new fur brothers well. I actually caught them all sitting on the same chair! I think she's going to be snuggling up with Gatsby in no time. Hemingway is constantly mad that she won't play with him. She's still a little timid around them but she's been letting Gatsby boop her nose so I think that's progress.
And praise Jesus, Y'all, we finally got a couch! If you follow me on Instagram and see my stories then you know the whole Ikea debacle that happened with our couch. Basically, we got rid of our couch before we left New York and then ordered this one from Ikea right when we moved in to the house. Ikea kept pushing the deliver date further and further back until I was convinced we would be going to a furniture store this weekend to buy a couch. Bless up for the delivery people coming through and actually delivering it two days early. We also got a washer and dryer which means no more laundromat life for me. I think part of me might actually miss the laundromat.Â
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