AM Coffee Talk #30 - A Note about Pursuing your Dreams
Blogging has never been about the money for me. When I started my first blog back in college, it was more of like a journal than anything else (according to the cringe-worthy Facebook statuses I'm reminded of every day thanks to the Memories feature). Then my blogs slowly evolved into places where I could share my story in the hopes of connecting with other people who had similar stories. I remember the first time I read an comment from someone who found one of my blog posts about anxiety who decided to let me know just how helpful she found it. That's when blogging really became something more. Every time I write a blog post, it is with the goal in mind that if it only helps even just one person, my job will be done. In fact, the only other real goal I've had when it comes to blogging is to have a self-sustained blog.
Yesterday, I got the email that made that dream a reality. I was elated! I was home alone so it was just me and the animals until my husband got off of work so I kept my cool for a while for fear that I would look like a crazy person who hadn't left the house in weeks... but once he was home and we were on our way to dinner, I couldn't stop smiling. Having a goal of being able to have my blog pay for things like hosting and social media scheduling tools may seem like a small goal to the rest of the world, but to me, it's huge. It's a reminder that our little piece of the internet is going to do big things.
Why am I telling you all this? It's most certainly not to brag but rather to inspire you to keep chasing your dreams, whatever they may be. People always discount the small dreams but those small dreams are often stepping stones to bigger and better dreams. I won't tell you the number of times I've heard that I couldn't make a penny off of a blog let alone a living. While we're not at the second stage of this dream yet, we're certainly making progress and I hope this note will encourage you to keep pursuing your wildest dreams.
I wouldn't be here without each and every single one of you who constantly supports this community and simply saying thank you will never, ever be enough to show you how sincerely honored I am to have such an amazing community behind me. You are the reason I get up and work on this piece of the internet every day. You are the ones who are constantly challenging me to be more raw, more honest. You are the ones who have taken this blog from a little journal like website to a community that has a mission. I can't wait to see where this community takes us.
Until next time, Y'all,
PS: To celebrate, I made a super special downloadable background for your lock screen. All you have to do is sign up to be an AM Coffee Collective VIP! (If you're already on the list then watch your inbox).
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