USMA Class of 2018 Ring Weekend Recap
Happy September everyone! I cannot believe how fast August went by! The last weekend in August was a huge deal for us filled with so many events. If you follow my Instagram then you’ve already seen a little bit about the things that went on but I figured since it’s Happy Hour that it would be fun to do a little weekend recap for you guys!
What the Heck is Ring Weekend?
For those of you not familiar with West Point, they basically created the tradition of class rings. Ring Weekend is the first weekend of the academic year where the First Class (aka Seniors) receive their class rings during a ceremony. There is also a formal banquet the following night. So naturally, it was a pretty big weekend for Justin and the rest of the USMA class of 2018.
I absolutely love celebrating Justin’s accomplishments and we all know how much I love any excuse to buy a new Lilly Pulitzer dress. I actually purchased this Pearl Shift Dress in the print Poolside Blue Love Birds from a group I’m in on Facebook back in May and had been waiting for this very day to wear it. I’m so glad I chose this dress for the Ring Ceremony because it complemented Justin’s uniform perfectly. I also loved the style of this dress so much that I picked up a second one during the After Party Sale on Tuesday!
Ring Weekend concludes with a banquet but befor that, we actually had to attend a wedding in New York City! The wedding was beautiful and I wish we had gotten to spend a little more time at the reception. I was finally able to wear my new Jimmy Choo Lance Sandals and let me tell you, these babies are everything I imagined and more. I will say, however, that after wearing them for more than 8 hours, I was practically in tears. Not my smartest decision ever. BUT I did participate in a flash mob in 5 inch heels and didn’t bust my butt so I’ll consider that a success. This dress from Eliza J that I wore is also now one of my favorite clothing pieces. It fit me perfectly and was so comfortable to wear!
Like I said, we ducked out of the wedding reception early to head back to our hotel to change for the banquet at West Point. I actually bought this Lulu’s gown in two different colors before deciding on this one about the week before the banquet! My gown was so easy to wear, I didn’t have to worry about it falling down or fixing it which was a definitely plus considering how badly my feet hurt by the time we got to the cocktail reception. If you’re reading this and haven’t gone to your first West Point event yet, definitely choose comfort over style when it comes to shoes. (PS: If you would like a post dedicated solely to what to wear for West Point events, let me know!).
The weekend was so hectic that I didn’t even get a chance to take pictures for Monday’s post, which was supposed to be of the outfit I wore to the wedding. Monday is the first post I’ve missed since launching back in June so I’m super proud of myself for keeping up with posts so far! With a three day weekend coming up, we have another busy weekend filled with football! Make sure you’re following me on Instagram because I’ll be posting a lot to my stories! Have a great weekend, y’all!
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